TracLift | Multibucket


Thanks to its closed bottom the multibucket is suitable for loading of not only firmer materials but also for friable silage and other materials, composts and manure. The firm and sharp steel prongs reliably penetrate the material and they hold the pressed load on its place during the manipulation without the risk of its spilling.


Type BM 150 BM 170 BM 190
Width 1,50 m 1,70 m 1,90 m
Capacity 0,75 m³ 0,85 m³ 0,95 m³
Weight 270 kg 280 kg 300 kg

BD range

Standard bucket

For manipulation with mellow sand, soil, brash.

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BDT range

Bucket with teeth

For the manipulation with settled sands, soil, gravel, stones, compost.

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BDL range

High volume bucket

Suitable for snow or friable light materials.

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WB range

Balance weight

It improves the tractor stability during the operation with the loader.

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